About Loo-Ng

Born and raised in Singapore, living In Geneva since 2000

Having spent more than two decades each immersed in both Singapore and European environments, Loo-Ng draws profound artistic inspiration from her experience in each distinctive cultural sphere. The interplay between the two contrasting environments forms the essence of her artistic expression, drawing her to explore the harmonious fusion of randomness and restraint in her artworks.

As an engineer-turned-artist, the tangible texture of concrete forms the foundation of her works, which colours serve as her tools.

Loo-Ng works with sand medium and acrylic paints.


At her studio in Geneva, 2021

‘A breath of fresh air’

120cm x 120cm, acrylic and sand medium on canvas


Stephanie Loo-Ng actively exhibits in the Lake Geneva region and is a member - artist of SSBA (Société Suisse des beaux arts).

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